“Mary Rodgers and Marshall Barer's juicy score packs some gems. "In a Little While" is one of them. Jessica Fontana and Zak Resnick, as the knocked-up Lady Larkin and her baby daddy Sir Harry, bring out all of its cheeky beauty.” -New York Daily News
“It has a pleasant and eager supporting cast...and songs of love and exposition prettily delivered by Jessica Fontana, Hunter Ryan Herdlicka, Cory Lingner and Zak Resnick” -Ben Brantley, New York Times
“The pairing of Jessica Fontana and Zak Resnick sings terrifically as the pregnant Lady Larken and her pompous suitor, Sir Harry, who can't get married until the prince is wed.” -Broadway World
“Jessica Fontana glowed as she should as the pregnant Lady Larken and Zak Resnick swaggered appropriately as Sir Harry the man responsible. Together they made sweet music with the show's two lovely ballads "In a Little While," and Yesterday I Loved You." -Curtain Up
“Jessica Fontana mesmerizes with her clear piercing Soprano that interprets her moods perfectly.” -Theatre Reviews Limited

"Jessica Fontana is the find. A complete package, the artist is warm, attractive, expressive, and has a simply lovely, adroitly controlled soprano. She should, by all rights, be Broadway bound... “Falling in Love with Love” (The Boys From Syracuse 1938) is as rich, full, and waltzy as one might wish. The vocalist’s high notes soar without stress." - Woman Around Town
"The power players of the evening are, of course, Santino and Jessica Fontana. His luscious baritone complements her soaring soprano. Duet or solo, they’re just terrific... Jessica’s “Falling in Love With Love” knocks a little plaster off the ceiling. - Theaterscene

“(Miss Dorothy) and Millie soon become close acquaintances, matching each other with talent and fervor. Ms. Fontana, with a sweet and heavenly voice, and Ms. Veldheer, with a robust and passionate one, compliment each other as leading ladies.” - Broadway World
“Also, props to Jessica Fontana, who simultaneously dances her can-can legs off and sings her coloratura heart out as Babette (thanks to an infamous misprint in the score, which made Babette the vocal obligato in group numbers instead of Madame de la Grande Bouche)! - Broadway World

"The primary joy of this Dramaworks concert is watching as Jessica Fontana's Lizzie blossoms in the harsh Texas sun. As good as she was as Rosabella in last summer’s “Most Happy Fella,” that did not prepare us for the depth of feeling and touching vocal impact she demonstrates here. Whenever Fontana is onstage, her radiance is compelling, even as she tries to look plain. Still, the reason to head to Dramaworks these days is Fontana. For while she plays poor, put-upon lovelorn Lizzie, in legal parlance she is this production’s rainmaker." -Palm Beach Post
"Casting the leads, in particular, is tantamount to the success of any "small" musical. Starring as Lizzie is Broadway's (Cinderella) Jessica Fontana and she is, well, triumphant. A tiny wisp of a young woman with a superb voice, she broke my heart. Her act one finale, "Old Maid," brings the house down and leaves one eager to see what she will do in the second act. Fontana was the lovely Rosabella in Dramaworks' The Most Happy Fella concert and impressed me. She impressed and thrilled me more here." -Talkin' Broadway
"In particular, Jessica Fontana as Lizzie inhabits a woman afraid she will never be loved, who has started to don that protective armor, but who still desperately needs that ardor far more than the town needs rain. Her expressive soprano lets Lizzie’s emotions pour out past her wicked self-deprecating wit. But Fontana’s luminous face is like a video monitor of the passions raging inside Lizzie: flickers of fear of embarrassment, the terror of being forever rejected and lonely, the ecstatic joy of finally seeing worth in herself and then in being appreciated by someone else." -Florida Theater on Stage
"The performances of Jessica Fontana and Cooper Grodin blaze as bright as the unrelenting sun. Fontana’s sweetly assured Lizzie is perfectly calibrated." -Palm Beach Daily News
"As the oft-overlooked "Old Maid" Lizzie Curry, Jessica Fontana all but steals the show. With such Broadway credits as Rodger and Hammerstein's Cinderella to her name, it comes as no surprise that Fontana is able to captivate an audience with her nuanced vocals and genuine emotion. She also has the most believable Texan drawl in the entire cast, imbuing this bare-bones production with a palpable sense of authenticity." -Palm Beach Illustrated

"Jessica Fontana is simply wonderful as Charlie. Her singing voice, so pure it seems angelic, is also powerful and soars over the four-piece orchestra. Her Charlie is an emotional whirlwind, trying to hold herself together in an impossible situation. And we witness the full range of those feelings with Fontana’s performance. Fontana’s last role was as Cinderella on Broadway. Seeing her perform in a small, intimate space like Signature Theatre is a thrill. We’ll be hearing more about this young actress, so don’t miss this performance.” -Women Around Town
"Jessica Fontana gives a painfully believable life to the character of Charlie as she navigates the end times, clinging to time and safety nets, paralyzed by the news and unable to participate in the life unfolding around her. “ -MD Theatre Guide
"And Fontana is astoundingly likeable as Charlie, despite the character’s best efforts to put us off. Let’s face it, couch-bound characters could be tough to appreciate, but she has our hearts from the first scene.” -DC Theatre scene
"In fact, the performances in Matthew Gardiner’s sure-handed production are nearly always compelling and relaxed. “ -Washington Post

"And, speaking of "perfection", Jessica Fontana, a Broadway Cinderella alternate, is beyond words. A voice of such delicate beauty, a waif-like appearance yet with a spine of steel, she and Michals are a pair made in operatic, excuse me, musical comedy heaven. " -Talkin' Broadway
"Fontana is his equal in every department. Taking a break as an understudy in the Broadway production of Cinderella, she not only has a crystal soprano but exudes a past that is never spelled out. Her Rosabella is sadly disappointed at life and desperately yearning for a little security if not happiness, as expressed in her first solo “Somebody, Somewhere.” And when she finds that happiness, she is as surprised as anyone that she finds it with Tony." -Florida Theater on stage

"Jessica Fontana, in particular, triumphs as the reluctant bride Cassie, with strong acting skills, solid dancing, and a soaring soprano. Her solos "Instead" and "Pocatella Fella" provide some of the evening's best moments.”- Talkin Broadway
"...talents like Jessica Fontana (Cassie) showcase clear, ringing voices in solo numbers.”-Nevada Public Radio, NPR
"Jessica Fontana (Broadway's Cinderella)is the object of his affection, and for good reason. Fontana plays "Cassie" with much sass and a winning soprano. - The Randy Report

"Mimi (Jessica Fontana) is stunningly beautiful and sweet, with a funny but disarming awkwardness you would expect from a young adult coming into her own. Fontana is graceful and precious but hits on her comedic moments with fervor and force.” - Front Row Reviewers Utah
"Filled to the brim with crackling comedy and characters you want to root for, Pioneer Theatre Company's impeccably cast A COMEDY OF TENORS is high caliber entertainment... Jessica Fontana as Tito's daughter, Mimi, and Storm Lineberger as her secret beau Carlo are a believable and charming couple.” - Broadwayworld